Medical Marketing Agency

What Are the Marketing Micro Moments in Healthcare Marketing?

March 25, 2021
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Marketing Micro Moments Coming up with a brand new marketing campaign for your healthcare practice isn’t easy. There are so many routes that you can explore that choosing one can be difficult. You can make it easier by putting yourself in your patient’s shoes. The idea is to break down the marketing marketing micro-moments that influence their decisions.

What Are Marketing Micro-Moments?

How long do you spend on the web each day? And how much of that time is spent trying to scroll or click past all manner of ads? Every day, we are bombarded with countless hours’ worth of marketing on the web. How much of it is really useful, much less memorable? We spend most of our effort simply enduring or actively ignoring it.

The story is a bit different when you are purposely looking for a certain type of good or service. This is nowhere more true than when you are searching for a healthcare practice. In this case, you are eagerly seeking out the website and marketing material of a specific provider. You are all eyes and ears to learn how they can help you.

Micro-moments can basically be defined as the series of momentary flashes of inspiration or motivation that get a potential buyer or patient from one stage of the conversion process to the next. They are micro-moments because, in today’s world, the average attention span of a search user is far less than it used to be.

As a healthcare provider, your job will be to give full expression to each of these individual marketing micro-moments. By doing so, you will allow a potential patient to move swiftly through each of the stages of the process. You can lay out your site content in such a manner as to facilitate a quick passage and profitable outcome.

What Are the Major Micro-Moments in Healthcare?

There are four major types of marketing micro-moments that every healthcare practice owner should be aware of. Each of these represent a crucial moment that your content should take in account and go out of its way to meet and solve. These moments can be described below in the following manner.

1. What’s Wrong with Me?

More and more people are logging on to the web in order to give themselves a preliminary diagnosis of the symptoms that they are experiencing. This is all the more true in light of the recent global pandemic. Since more and more people are working from home, they naturally have more time to do research on this basic question.

This is the precise moment when a person is most likely to log on to your healthcare practice site. You can do yourself a huge favor by being prepared to meet their needs. This can be accomplished by having a series of descriptive web pages, videos, and graphics that are designed to answer all of the most common questions about symptoms.

2. Where Can I Get Treatment?

The next stage occurs when a potential patient puts in a search to find out where they can get treatment for their symptoms. This is a moment that will be expressly defined by the need for localization. Patients who are searching for a place that will treat them need to know that the choice they make is as near as possible.

You want your SEO content to localize your practice to a certain area so that it will come up first in search engine results. What this means is that your facility or center needs to be front and center when someone local searches for your services. Convenience is the key that will lead a patient to choose your practice.

3. Who Can I Trust?

Once they have landed on your site, you need to convince them that you have all of the knowledge, skills, qualifications, and experience to treat their condition. In other words, they have chosen your site because it matches the symptoms they are worried about and because your practice is near enough to them to justify a visit.

Now is the time for you to show them all of your certifications, awards, testimonials from patients, and any academic papers you have written. These things are proof that you know what you are talking about. The more of these documents you can share with your viewers, the easier it will be for you to build a high level of credibility.

4. I’m Ready for an Appointment

The last of the major marketing micro-moments will occur when a patient chooses to book an appointment with your practice. This is a process that needs to be made as quick and easy to get through as possible. Even though a potential patient may take their time choosing a provider, they still want to book an appointment very quickly.

All of your booking info needs to be easy to find. Also, the process that you use for booking the actual appointment needs to be efficient. All of the different options that a patient can use to book an appointment should be listed and explained. The easier you make this process, the more positive results you will enjoy from it.

Contact Us Today for More Info

How adept are you at healthcare marketing in the Triangle Area? Now is the perfect time for you to sharpen up your skills. You can do so with some help from Best Edge Medical Marketing. We are the top healthcare website design and SEO experts in North Carolina. Our goal will be to help you perfect your micro-moment marketing skills.

There are many more exciting new tips and tricks that you can make use of to give your healthcare practice a whole new level of exposure. If you live in the Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, or Wake Forest area, we can help make it happen. Get in touch with us today to learn more about what we can do to increase your patients and profits.

About Us

Best Edge Medical Marketing is a medical marketing agency that provides marketing, SEO, design, and development services to businesses in the medical industry.

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