Medical Marketing Agency

How SEO Can Help Medical Practices

October 10, 2017
SEO Can Help Medical Practices

SEO Can Help Medical Practices Search engine optimization, or SEO, is not a term that many healthcare practices are familiar with. However, it is important for healthcare practices to have a basic understanding of SEO. Search engine optimization is the process of using various tactics in order to increase your visibility on the web, which helps increase website visitors. If the correct SEO tactics are used, then you will be able to increase your website’s visibility and ranking. We know SEO can help medical practices, because we have seen it with our clients.

SEO techniques are constantly changing. Many people are not getting the most out of SEO because they are using techniques that are outdated. That is why it is important to hire a professional medical marketing company. Even if you prefer to do some things on your own, it is still a good idea to hire a professional to check what you have done.

The goal of a medical marketing company is to optimize your website and help you get the most out of SEO. There are a number of ways that you can make the most of SEO.

Optimize for Local Search

In order for you to get the most out of your website, you will need to make sure that the people in your area see it. A professional can ensure that your website is optimized for local searches. For example, if you practice in Raleigh, then a well-optimized website will show up when someone searches for healthcare providers in Raleigh.

Most people are not going to go through several pages and look for a medical practice. That is why it is imperative that your website ranks high. Website ranking will have a direct effect on the number of people who visit your practice.

There was a survey done by Search Engine Land that examined the effects that rankings had on the number of customers who visited a store. Fifty percent of the people who searched for the store on their mobile phone visited it within a day. Thirty-four percent of the people who searched for the store on their desktop visited it within a day.

Use Google Analytics

You have to measure and keep track of your progress. There are several software options that you can use in order to keep track of your website visitors. However, you may want to consider using Google Analytics. It is free and easy to install. Not only will Google Analytics keep track of website visitors, but it can also determine where your visitors are located.

Encourage Online Reviews

Your current patients can help you attract new ones. That is why you should encourage your patients to post reviews online. Good patient reviews can help establish the trustworthiness and quality of your practice. There are a number of things that you can do to encourage patients to leave online reviews.

You can ask for for your patient’s email address, send them a newsletter and encourage them to leave a review. You can also put a sign on your office door that has detailed instructions about how people can leave reviews online. Additionally, you can put a call to action on your website.

Publish Content Regularly

A website is useless if it does not have good quality content. Great content not only attracts visitors, but it also keeps them coming back. Good quality content also helps you rank high in the search engines. Guest articles, blogs, slideshows, infographics, podcasts and videos are some of the things that you can publish on your website.

Multiply and Diversify

It is important for you to have a great website. However, you will be limiting yourself if you only have a website. That is why it is important for to increase your online presence. You can start a YouTube channel for your medical practice. You can also create another blog or website.

Have Your Website Optimized for Mobile Phones

A good website has to be mobile-friendly. A recent study showed that 51 percent of internet searches are done from a mobile phone. It is also important to note that a mobile-friendly website will increase your website rankings. Furthermore, 62 percent of people use mobile phones in order to look up healthcare information. If your website is not mobile-friendly, then you could be losing out on potential visitors. We know SEO can help medical practices, let us help yours!

About Us

Best Edge Medical Marketing is a medical marketing agency that provides marketing, SEO, design, and development services to businesses in the medical industry.

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